We are a Fine Wine and Artisanal Spirits distributor, conducting business in the three Midwestern states of Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana.

With representatives working our four major regions of Cleveland, Akron/Canton, Columbus, Dayton, and Cincinnati.
With representatives primarily working the Indianapolis region, and extending out into the southern and northern regions.
With representatives working the major regions of Louisville and Lexington, and all of the space in between.
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We greatly value working with our incredible partners. From our retail partners, to our importers, and of course, our producers, our collaboration with our partners is of the utmost importance to the work we do.
Working with importers like Matchvino helps introduce us to special artisanal wines from even the most luscious wine regions of the world.
It's no secret we're all about wine. But that's not all we're about. Learn more.